Japanese External Reverse Porro Prism Binoculars. WEBSITE MUSEUM


Text Box: PG 77 of 109

WWII German dkl ( Joseph Schneider Optische Werke Kreuznach code) D.F. 10x80 Antiaircraft Artillery (Flakglas) Binoculars

WWII German dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80 antiaircraft artillery binoculars.
dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80 Flakglas.
Jumelles d'artillerie antiaerienne Allemandes dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80.
Binoculares de artilleria antiaerea Alemana dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80
Duitse dkl SchneiderD.F. 10x80 luchtafweer artillerie verrekijker.
Tysk dkl Schneider Schneider luftvarnsartilleri kikare.
Binocolo di artiglieria antiaerea tedesco dkl Schneider 10x80. WWII german dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80 Antiaircrraft binoculars.
dkl Schneider D.F. 10x80 flakglas.
Jumelles d'artillerie antiaerienne allemandes dkl Schneider 10x80.
Binoculares de artilleria antiaerea alemana dkl Schneider 10x80.
Duitse dkl 10x80 luchtafweer artillerie verrekijker.
Tysk dkl Schneider 10x80 luftvarrsartillereri kikare.
Binocolo di artiglieria antiaerea Tedesco dkl Schneider 10x80.

My German dkl WWII Flakglas binoculars and it’s cradle and tripod photographed on a snowy day were primarily designed for directing the aiming of antiaircraft searchlights associated with the 88mm antiaircraft artillery, and the elevation and horizontal scales are for that purpose, and the accessory lighting harness was for that night time purpose. But these were also used for general aircraft spotting, and for general observation. They were produced in large numbers by six different manufacturers from 1939-1945, and because they came in a wood case and U.S. military shipping was cheap for the troops to send war souvenirs home for morale, a lot were shipped back to the USA as souvenirs by soldiers who captured/ liberated or looted them. This particular unit is dkl marked, which is the WWII manufacturer code for Joseph Schneider Optische Werke Kreuznach, located in Bad Kreuznach Germany, and who was the second largest producer of these after Emil Busch (cxn), see example above. The “ D.F . ” marking is for Doppelfernrohr (Double telescope). The blue X marking indicates use of cold weather grease #1442, introduces Nov 1 1942, and the red X indicates use of another cold weather grease. The cradle and circle mount on this unit is correct and functional, though the cradle is missing the right side handle, but although my tripod is quite similar in design to original with sliding tubular legs, it is not original, or of the period.

1928 Swiss made Kern Swiss Army 6x24 Armee-Modell Military Binoculars

My 1928 Swiss Kern Aarau 6x24 military Armee-Modell binoculars were manufactured by the optical firm of Kern & Co (which was also a maker of geodetic instruments), and was located in the northern Switzerland municipality of Aarau. The Swiss Cross + on these binoculars is a government property mark, and this property mark appears in four places on these binoculars. These binoculars do not have a ranging grid or graticule. Kern apparently commenced binocular production in 1925, and these were produced 3 years later. A 1926 dated version of these exists in another collection with serial # 95, so the serial number 2,836 on this suggests Kern produced at least that many binoculars in their first 3 years.

1945 Barr and Stroud CF41 7x49 WWII British Admiralty (Navy) Binoculars (Scottish manufactured)

1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 British Navy military binoculars.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 jumelles militaires de la marine Britannique.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Britische narine nilitarfernglaser.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 binoculares militares de la marina Britanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Brittiska flottans militara kikare.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 binocolo militare della marine Brittanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Britse marine militaire verrekijker.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 den Britiske marinens militaere kikkert.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 kornetka wijskowa brytyjskiej marynarki wojennej.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 vijenske dalekohledy Britskeho namornictva.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Britisk flade militaer kikkert.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Brit haditengereszet katonai tavcsovek.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Ison Britannian laivston armeijan kiikarit.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 binoculos militares da marinha Britanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 lielbritanijas flote militarie binokli.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF41 7x49 Britu karinio juru laivyno kariniai ziuronai.

My Barr and Stroud CF41 military binoculars are one of the 70,000 produced in a very long production run starting 1935, and with the model military stocked until around 1973/74. The AP1900a marking designates these as having colored filters controlled by dual levers for challenging weather conditions, and this model does not have a ranging gratucule. (the model CF42 had a gratucule for ranging drop of shot). These binoculars have the yellow broad arrow UK Admiralty (Navy) property mark plus the standard broad arrow Ministry of Defense property mark, and have 4 desiccating/ drying ports. So these binoculars are essentially a military naval design specific model. According to the University of Glasgow (Scotland) Barr & Stroud archives, by their serial number these binoculars date to the middle of 1945 WWII production.

Text Box: Barr and Stroud WWII CF41 British Admiralty Binoculars including internal filters, desiccating ports, and ocular covers

1934/1935 Barr and Stroud C.F.31 7x49 Scottish Manufactured Civilian Binoculars

My Barr and Stroud C.F.31 7x49 binoculars with serial number 10,575, according to the University of Glasgow Barr & Stroud archives, were produced in either 1934 or 1935, around two years after the start of Barr and Stroud binoculars production. These binoculars are marked as distributed in the UK by the firearms and sporting goods manufacturer Cogswell & Harrison Ltd. in London, and that company has origins that date to 1770, and it still exists today). These binoculars were probably sold at retail through Cogswell & Harrison’s large network of UK retail gun and sporting goods dealers.

1947-1951 Barr and Stroud 7x24 CF29 Scottish Manufactured Civilian Binoculars

My Barr and Stroud CF29 7x24 binoculars with serial number 96,151 were, according to University of Glasgow Barr & Stroud archives produced between 1947 and 1951, and reflect Barr and Stroud’s quick post WWII move back to supply the civilian market with products after military contracts disappeared. Like the wartime and prewar binoculars of this general pattern, the prism housings and objective caps and some other parts of the CF29 model are made from the early bakelite form of plastic, used in 1920’s jewelry, WWII German binocular cases, but now mostly known for auto distributor caps. It is somewhat brittle.

1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 binoculars.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 jumelles.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 fernglas.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 binoculares.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 prismaticos.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 kikare.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 binocolo.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 verrekijker.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 kikkert.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 lornetka.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24  CF29 dalekohled.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 kiikarit.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 binoculos.
1947 -1951 Barr & Stroud 7x24 CF29 binoklis.
1947-1951 Barr & Stroud  7x24 CF29 ziuronai. 1945 Barr and Stroud CF41 7x49 British navy military binoculars.
1945 Barr & Stroud jumelles militaires model CF41 7x49 de la Marine Britannique.
1945 Barr & Stroud CF 41 7x49 militarfernglas der Britische Marine.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 Brittiska Flottan marinmodel CF41 militar kikare.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 binoculares militares modelo CF41 de la armada Britanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 prismaticos militeares modelo CF41 de la marin Britanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 binocolo militare della marina Britannica.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 Britse marine militaire verrekijker.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 den Britkse marinens militaere kikkert.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 lornetka wojskowa brytyjskiej marynarki wojennej.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 vojenske dalekohledy Britskeho namornictva.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 Brit haditengereszet katonai tavcsovek.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 binoculos militares da marinha Britanica.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 lielbritanijas flote militarie binikli.
1945 Barr & Stroud 7x49 Britu karinio juru laivyno kariniai ziuronai.
 Text Box: WWII era Barr and Stroud CF41 British Admiralty Binoculars 
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud CF 31 biniculars.
1934/ 1935 Barr & Stroud jumelles modele CF31 .
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud fernglas modell CF 31 kikare.
1934/1935 Bar & Stroud binoculares modelo CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud prismaticos modelo CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud kikare CF31.
1934.1935 Barr & Stroud binocolo CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud verrekijker CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud kikkert CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud lornetka CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud dalekohled CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud kikkert CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud kiikarit CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud binoculos CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud binoklis CF31.
1934/1935 Barr & Stroud ziuronai CF31.

Ca 1917-1921 Ross 10x Stereo Prism Binoculars With an Interesting Past

I tend to like the (many) things which I collect to include a human provenance whenever possible: a documented history beyond the bare physical object. The vast majority of objects that survive their original ownership quickly shed their human past. So for me it is a pleasure when an item defies that norm, and it is often merely because somebody wrote something on the object and the web now allows researching that significance. This is the case with these binoculars. The carry case for my Ross,London 10x binoculars is marked as having belonged to Leighton Hope, American Consul at the US Ensenada Consulate in Mexico (by records 1922-1926). The binoculars are marked as having been sold through the firm of G. Falconer & Co. Ltd. Hong Kong, which fits perfectly as Leighton Hope was U.S. Vice consul to Hong Kong in 1917, and U.S. consul to Hong Kong in 1921. He obviously purchased these British Ross binoculars in Hong Kong during his time there. As can be seen in the period (1928) G. Falconer & Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd. advertisement shown at left, Falconer were agents for and sold Ross binoculars and telescopes from their shop opposite Hong Kong’s main Post Office.

Binoculars case marked of Leighton Hope, US Consul Ensenada

Inscription says: “ Leighton Hope, American Consul, Ensenada SA Mexico

Ross 10x binoculars of Leighton Hope U.S. Consul to Hong Kong, Ensenada
Ross 10x binoculars of Leighton Hope, U.S. Consul, Hong Kong, Ensenada
Ross 10x jumelles de Leighton Hope, Consul des Etats Unis, Hong King, Ensenada

Royal Navy antiaircraft watch in 1942 with CF41

The desiccating ports are marked “ C ” and “ B ” and “ British Patent No 435220/1934

Pre WWI era WWII used Australian Military MKV Spl 4 1/2 x Le Petit Binoculars (French Manufacture)

Australian WWI Military Binoculars Mk B Spl 4.
Jumelles de l'airmee Australienne.
Fernglas de australischen armee.
Binocolo dell'esercito australiano.
Australische leger verrekijker.
Australisk arme kikare.
Binoculares del ejercito australiano.
Australisk haer kikkert.
Prismaticos del ejercito australiano. Australian Army binoculars.
Jumelles de l'armee Australienne.
Fernglas der Australischen armee.
Binocolo dell'ejercito Australiano.
Australische leger verrekijker.
Australisk arme kikare.
Binoculares del ejercito Australiano.
Australisk haer kikkert.
Prismaticos del ejercito Australiano.

My Australian Military marked         4 1/2x MkV Spl. binoculars are Australian military property marked D   D (mark used after 1926) and represent what was probably a WWII expedient issue (the Spl / Special? marking) of a civilian donated French made non prismatic binoculars. In both WWI and WWII the massive mobilization and need for coast watching, artillery, and air defense observation far outstripped any domestic abilities to supply military binoculars, so that the UK, US, and Australia grabbed all usable civilian stocks and advertised for civilians to donate their (better quality) binoculars. What makes this more interesting is that they have a tag of having been serviced by the AEME V shops Instrument Section at the Cliff Port Phillip area VIC (Victoria) in 1944 . AEME is the Australian (military) Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (established in 1942). These are a pattern of binoculars that would have been familiar to US Civil War officers in the 1860s, and they were fairly obsolescent in WWI; and absolute dinosaurs in every way by WWII. (like handing a WWII soldier a bag of black powder and a civil war muzzle loading percussion musket) !

UK and Commonwealth

Military Property mark of pattern I associate to WWI.

DD with broad arrow  Australian

Military Property mark post 1926


L. PETIT (maker) PARIS

1941 WWII British Taylor-Hobson No.2 MK. II 6x30 Army Binoculars

1941 Taylor Hobson No. 2 MK II 6x30 British Army military binoculars.
1941 Taylor Hobson No 2 Mk II 6x30 jumelles militares de'larmee Britannique.
1941 Taylor Hobson No 2 Mk II 6x30 militarfernglas des Britischen Armee.
1941 Taylor Hobson No 2 Mk II 6x30 binoculares militares del ejercito Britanico.
1941 Taylor Hobson No2 Mk II 6x30 binocolo militare dell'esercito britannico.
1941 Taylor Hobxon No2 Mk II 6x30 Britse militaire verrekijker.
1941 Taylor Hobson No2 Mk II 6x30 Brittisk Arme militar kikare.

My British Army Binoculars Prism No.2 Mk. II were made in 1941 by the British camera lens manufacturer Taylor-Hobson , who by 1939 were providing 80% of the world’s film studio camera lenses under the Cooke brand. In 1939 Taylor Hobson was given government funding to set up a factory in Leicester which went on to produce 2,000 No. 2 6x30 military binoculars a month for the war effort. It is interesting to note that The No.2 Mk.II pattern of binoculars was adopted in 1909 and was previously produced for WWI (see my 1916 No 2 MKII binoculars produced by Sherwood & Co on the previous page). The Taylor Hobson company still exists and today and produces profilometer metrology instruments.

British workers making Taylor Hobson No.2 military binoculars including these in WWII in their Leicester factory

Text Box: Australian  Military WWI L. Petit Binoculars 
Text Box: Ross 10x Binoculars sold in Hong Kong ca 1917
Text Box: British Barr & Stroud   CF 29 Binoculars 
Text Box: British Barr & Stroud   CF 31 Binoculars 

1940 WWII Russian 6x30 Novosibirsk Instrument Making Plant (NPZ) Military binoculars

1940 WWII NPZ Russian Army Military 6x30 binoculars.
1940 Jumelles militaires de l'armee Russe 6x30 NPZ.
1940 militarisches fernglas Russischen armee 6x30 NPZ.
1940 Russische leger militaire verrekijker 6x30 NPZ.
1940 binocolo militaire dell'esercito Russo 6x30 NPZ 
1940 binoculares militares del ejercito Ruso 6x30 NPZ
1940 Ryska armens militara kikare 6x30 NPZ.
1940 Rosyjska NPZ 6x30 lornetka.
1940 Rusky vojensky NPZ 6x30 dalekohled.
1940 Russisk NPZ 6x30 militaerkikkert.
1940 binoculos NPZ 6x30 militares.
1940 NPZ 6x30 Krieves militarie binokji.
1940 NPZ 6x30 Rusijos kariniao ziuronai.

Female soldier in WWII with these type binoculars.

Two elongated pentagon shapes that are part of the hammer and sickle coat of arms as well as the “ N ” prefix to the serial number on my 1940 Russian military binoculars indicate that the binoculars were made at the Novosibirsk Instrument Making Plant ( Новосибирский приборостроительный завод ) in Novosibirsk Russia.